What is the difference between brand-name and generic medicines?
The original developer of the medicine generally manufactures the brand-name product. A manufacturer that did not originally produce the medicine generally produces a generic version. All the active ingredients in both versions are the same and generics are just as safe and effective as brand-name medicines. The primary difference is cost. Because the generic manufacturers do not have the cost of developing the brand-name medicine, they can produce it for less. Generic medicines must meet U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) guidelines before they can be sold. All manufacturers must meet our standards for their products to be purchased for dispensing by Harbor Pharmacy.
What is my copay?
A copayment or copay is the amount that you are responsible for when getting a prescription filled. After you pay the copay, your plan will cover the rest of the cost, if any. The amount is determined by your plan sponsor’s pharmacy benefit.
Why did I receive a different prescription medication than my doctor originally prescribed?
Depending on the features of your plan sponsor’s pharmacy benefit plan, Harbor Pharmacy may contact your doctor, after receiving your prescription, to request consideration of either a brand-name medicine from our preferred list or a generic version of your medicine. This may change the original prescription you received from your doctor and generally save you money.